Monday, August 31, 2020


 Classic tapenade isn't just about the olives. Capers play a major role too.  The name comes from the Provencal word for capers (tapenas). In the version that I make, the capers get equal billing with the olives. That makes for a tarter version than we often see. But it works pretty well.


1/2 cup non-pareil capers, rinsed and drained
1 cup black olives in brine, rinsed, pitted and chopped
2 anchovy fillets
2 larger cloves of garlic, crushed 
1/3 cup high quality olive oil (you might need a little more if the olives are quite dry)


Place the drained capers into the jar of your blender. Roughly chop the olives with a few quick passes with your chef's knife. This serves 2 purposes. First it finds any pits that were left behind before your blender or teeth do. Second it allows for a shorter time in the blender so the capers don't get overprocessed. Add the anchovies and crushed garlic.
Pulse the mixture for a second or two. Then add the olive oil, and pulse until the desired consistency is reached. Maybe 3 pulses each lasting a second. Depends on the power of your blender.
Spoon out, the mixture and refrigerate - preferably overnight.
Serve with crostini and a nice glass (or several if you aren't driving) of a chilled Provencal rose.

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