Monday, December 3, 2018

Spicy BBQ Sauce

The only reason that this recipe is interesting is because the standard recipe (from that I intended to follow required Worcestershire sauce, and I didn't have any. So I had to improvise. And it came out surprisingly well! Of course, what normal person would have mango chutney, but no Worcestershire sauce?


2T Mango chutney - use mostly the liquid - the fruit is too pulpy
4T Fish sauce (I use Red Boat)
4T Dark soy sauce
1/2 t Toasted Sesame Oil
1/2 t Ghost pepper vodka (can substitute Tabasco or other pepper sauce, US srirarcha, etc. in appropriate quantities)
2 Cups Tomato Ketchup
2T Prepared yellow mustard
1/4 Cup firmly packed brown sugar
2T Molasses
1/4 Cup Cider vinegar
1T Smoked Paprika
1/2 T Garlic Powder
1/2 T Onion Powder
1/2 T Black pepper - ground finely
1t Cumin - ground finely


Make up the fake Worcestershire sauce by combing the chutney, fish sauce, soy sauce, toasted sesame oil and hot sauce. 
Combine the made up Worcestershire sauce with all the other ingredients in a non reactive pan. Bring to a gentle boil over medium heat, stirring often. Simmer/low boil for 15 minutes to allow to reduce and thicken. Stir almost continuously to prevent the sugars from sticking and burning.
Fish out any pulp from the mango chutney (if some had accidentally found their way into the sauce.
Allow to cool, and refrigerate. According the the Serious Eats web site, this should keep for a long time.
This sauce is very intensely flavored, so if using it on delicate meat (aka a pork loin), be sparing.

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